Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Exhumed Films' Horrorthon 2015 Crib Notes

Exhumed Films 9th Annual 24 Hour Horrorthon

Movie 1
Gruesome, insane Hong Kong horror comedy

We're Going to Eat You

The running theme for this Horrorthon blog will be "I don't remember" because despite being the most recent show of the three I've written about this week, it's the show I remember the least.
I must've enjoyed We're Going to Eat You though, as I ended up buying it.

Movie 2
Totally awesome, action/horror/sci-fi amalgam

Silent Rage

A fun film, best described as "Chuck Norris versus Michael Myers."

Movie 3
Giant Monster Movie

Godzilla 1985

Featuring Godzilla's greatest battle

Movie 4
Innovative, intellectual horror classic from a genre legend


Proving again that Romero is a master of his craft, as he handles Vampires with as much delicacy and respect as he gave to zombies.
The Fox TV network would attempt to reboot Martin into a series, with mixed results.

"Movie" 5
Horror anthology featuring works by influential genre filmmakers

Shock Value

This film-like thing, which seemed to have been cobbled together using a Windows 98 editing suite, was screened as the obligatory "dinner break" feature.
My group left to get pizza and back-alley tug jobs. The pizza was cold and apparently I yank too hard.

Movie 6
Cool Halloween-themed fan favorite from the 1980s

Night of the Demons

Amnesia. I remember nothing. But I WAS in the room.

Movie 7
Strange, funny, and slightly disturbing monster movie that serves as an allegory for addiction

Brain Damage

The perfect film to cross midnight, into the wee hours. Features the voice of the late, great Zacherly.

Movie 8
Surreal, cerebral science fiction film with a dash of good old-fashioned monster movie thrown into the mix

Altered States

William Hurt turns into a monkey, raises heck all over the place. Was remade in the '90s as Dunsten Checks In.

Movie 9
Bizzarro sci-fi satire schlockfest starring a who's who of cult movie icons

(goddamn)Terror Vision

One of my all-time favorite movies, and a perfect choice. I honestly wish Exhumed would screen it at every Horrorthon.

Movie 10
Stylish, gory, and under seen shocker that feels like a Euro-horror film, even though it was produced in the U.S.

The Witch

I slept through most of The Witch, although I liked what little of it I watched. Not to be confused with The VVitch.

Movie 11
Infamous, goofy 1960s B-grade monster movie

The Horror of Party Beach

I love these types of movies, but not at hour eighteen of a 24 hour movie marathon.

Movie 12
Quite simply one of the best vampire movies of all time

Near Dark

I'm surprised it took Exhumed nine years to screen this classic at a Horrorthon.
We also would've accepted The Lost Boys.

Movie 13
Non-traditional "Animals Attack" movie filling the traditional Horrorthon "Animals Attack" timeslot

Piranha II: The Spawning

With respect to Oscar winning Best Boy James Cameron, I slept through this mess.

Movie 14
Wacky horror comedy which, shockingly, we have only screened once before over the course of eighteen years

(the almighty)Army of Darkness

Just like anyone, I've seen Army of Darkness a couple hundred times, but I still had never seen it on 35mm. Both the horror AND film nerd halves of me were satisfied.

This is my second favorite Horrorthon.

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